Terms of Use

The web sets on this website may be used on personal websites as long as a link is provided back to this site at www.beestonwebdesign.co.uk 

The site it is used on may not contain any pornography of any kind. unless the set is custom made for the web site.

Custom made sets start from around Ten pounds a page depending on the content and do not require a link, although a link would be appreciated.

Link-ware  These pages require a link and a e-mail saying where they are used for   my portfolio page would be appreciated.

Purchase- Ware Once these sets have been purchased it will be removed from the page after being marked as sold for a while. Sets will be sent by E-mail when payment as been received

Share- Ware These sets are available for a one off payment of Three pounds sterling this payment means you will still require a link back to my site but will limit the set to 10 users only. Sets will be sent by Email once payment is received.